The Role of Middle-Class in Economic Development: What Do Cross-Country Data Show (with Rana Hasan, Md Habibur Rahman and Mehemet Ulubaglosu), Review of Development Economics, 2017. DOI: 10.1111/rode.12265
The Role of Middle Class in Democratic Diffusion (with Rana Hasan, Md Habibur Rahman, and Mehemet Ulubasoglu), International Review of Economics and Finance, 42: 536-548, 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.iref.2015.10.021
Bonus Compensation and Productivity: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Plants (with Soohyung Lee), Journal of Productivity Analysis, 43(1): 47-58, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11123-014-0421-z
Increasing Households Access to Water Services: A Cost Recoverable Pricing Model, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 30(4): 662-679, 2014.
The Challenge of Collective Action for Irrigation Management in India, Asian Economic Papers, 13(2): 88-111, 2014. DOI:10.1162/ASEP_a_00271
How Households in Pakistan Take on Energy Efficient Lighting (with Yi Jiang), Energy Economics, 40: 277-284, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2013.07.006
The Impact of Health Insurance Mandates on Drug Innovation: Evidence from the United States (with Minjung Park), European Journal of Health Economics, 14(2): 323-344, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10198-012-0379-6
The Impact of Clinical Trial Insurance Coverage on Racial Minorities and Low Income Individuals (with Minjung Park), Applied Economics, 44(15): 1977-1984, 2012. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2011.556595
Can Skill Diversification Improve Welfare in Rural Areas? Evidence from Bhutan (with Makiko Watanabe), Journal of Development Effectiveness, 4(2): 214-234, 2012. DOI:10.1080/19439342.2012.674965
Do Consumers Respond to Quality Information? The Case of Fertility Clinics (with M. Kate Bundorf, Gopi Shah Goda, and Daniel Kessler), Journal of Health Economics, 28(3): 718-727, 2009. DOI:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2009.01.001
Special Chapter: A Smarter Future: Skills, Education, and Growth in Asia. Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific. 46th Edition. Manila: ADB, 2015.
Improving Rice Production and Commercialization in Cambodia: Findings from the Farm Investment Climate Assessment, ADB Report, 2014.
An Evaluation of the Electronic Pension Payment System in Tajikistan (with Ruben Barreto), ADB Report, 2013.
Chapter 8: Services Liberalization and Wage Inequality in the Philippines (with Glenita Amoranto and Douglas Brooks), In book: Service Sector Reforms: Asia-Pacific Perspectives. Ed. Sauve, P., Pasadilla, G., and Mikic, M. Thailand: ADBI and RTNet, 2011.
Special Chapter: Toward Higher Quality Employment in Asia (with Anil Deolalikar), Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific. 42nd Edition. Manila: ADB, 2011.
Special Chapter: The Rise of Asia’s Middle Class (with Anil Deolalikar), Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific. 41st Edition. Manila: ADB, 2010.
Do Information and Communication Technologies Empower Female Workers? Firm-level Evidence from Vietnam (with Heiwai Tang), 2018
The Impact of the Farm Investment Climate on Farm Size and Distribution in Cambodia (with Remco Oostendorp), 2017.
In Search of a Better Match: Qualification Mismatches in Developing Asia, ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 476, under review, 2016.